What does the board say: experiments with Galileo and 1Sheeld

Hi all!
In the previous post (An experience with Intel Galileo and 1Sheeld shield)I introduced the 1Sheeld, how it happened to be the subject of my project, how it works and what it does.

Now it's time to see what Fabio and I did with it. Are you ready???

Are you sure???

We built some mini-samples, to show all the main features of the 1Sheeld.
We had:
- 1 Galileo board
- 1 1Sheeld shield, on the Galileo board
- 1 Android smartphone (in particular an LG L90, with Android Lollipop)
- 3 small leds, retrieved from an old computer.

Rotate the light!
In this application we used the accelerometer of the smartphone to control the 3 leds, turning
them on accordingly with the rotation of the device. We could also see how many times we turned on all the lights in a seven-segment screen. In particular, rotating the smartphone of about 75 degrees turned on the first light, rotating to about 150 degrees turned on the second light and getting to 180 degrees turned on the third light.

Shields used: accelerometer, seven segment.

Unlock the light!
We controlled a light with a pattern lockscreen. Inserting the right pattern turns the light on/off. Otherwise the light is not affected. A voice tells if the pattern inserted is right or wrong.Then a tweet is posted each time the light changes status. 

Shields used: Pattern, Text-To-Speech, Twitter.

Snap the light!
We controlled a light with a fingers' snap, or a clap or every other sound: when the microphone perceived the noise level over a certain soil it just changed the light status.

Shields used: Microphone.

Toggle the music!
We used the device as an MP3 player, using a toggle button as a play/pause button.

Shields used: Toggle Button, Music Player

Text the light!
We control a light and check its status via SMS. The Arduino board replies us in any case, telling what the red light state is or if it has changed the state.

Shields used: SMS.

Surprise Selfie!
This application took a front picture of the camera when someone uses the PushButton. When the button is pressed, in fact, a voice tells the user to smile, then it takes a picture and sends it via mail to a certain recipient.

Shields used: Camera, Email, PushButton, TextToSpeech.

The talking shield
Last, but not the least, we can interact with the Arduino board using vocal commands. We can switch the lights on/off or check on their status. We can also query the board for some simple questions, like “What time is it?” or other trivial stuff.

Shields used: Clock, Text-To-Speech, VoiceRecognition.

Easter Egg: What does the Galileo say?
Hidden in our code there were a couple of easter eggs that - obviously - we didn't show to our professors during the exam. These were:
a) Fabio's birthday! Since one of the day we spent working on our project was Fabio's birthday, we set up the board in such a way that when it was asked "What day is it?", it checked if it was the day of Fabio's birthday and in such case it replied "It's Fabio's birthday!!"
b) The best easter egg ever: since the Galileo board is mostly used for educational purposes, we programmed it to reply to some simple questions, besides "What time is it" it also replies to "What does the cat/dog/cow say?" doing the sound of the selected animal. Plus, according to a famous italian song for kids, when it is asked "What does the crocodile say?" it replies "Nobody knows it".

I won't go in the code detail of these small examples (if you want them, just ask in the comments :) ), but as you can see there are quite a lot of funny stuff to do with the 1Sheeld shield and a Galileo board! 
