An experience with Intel Galileo and 1Sheeld shield

This semester I had to attend a course of Seminars in Software and Services in the Information Society, at the end of the course we had to present a small project on one of the topic presented during the lectures.

My friend Fabio and I choose to work on the Smart Spaces part of the seminars, so our Professor lent us an Intel Galileo of 2nd Generation and we started our project.

Since both of us were at our first experience with the Galileo board and similar (we knew a bit of Arduino but we never really worked with it) we had no sensor or actuators to connect to our board and develop our project.

Luckily for us, our friend Gurzo (yes, the one from La tana del Gurzo ) had some stuff to lend us and in particular a 1Sheeld shield that can be connected to every Arduino board (and related, so it was possible to use it also with our Galileo board).
In particular, Gurzo's 1Sheeld is one of the first (actually, for delivery issues it is really the first) 1Sheeld arrived in Italy when it was first released. It was really an honor to use it!

So we had our project: test the 1Sheeld shield with the Galileo board and build some mini-applications with it.

As devices for our test we used two smartphones: LG L90 with Android 5.0.2 stock rom and Samsung S4 with Android 4.4.4 CyanogenMod rom. The app had the same behaviour on both devices.


What is a 1Sheeld shield?

The 1Sheeld can be seen as a two-part device. The first one is physically connected to the Arduino board hosted by the Galileo, and allows the connection to Arduino from any Android smartphone via Bluetooth.

The second part is the software app that has to be installed on the Android smartphone, that manages the communication between the shield and the smartphone and allow to use all the sensors and the actuators that are present on the device.

What about the app?

The 1Sheeld app is quite intuitive. The first screen allows you to choose which shields you want to use among all (note that the app shows all the shields, even those that are not available on the current device). In the second screen you have all the selected shields on the left bar and you can switch between them. The shields doesn’t need any further configuration to work, although some of them can be configured in order to rely on the pins of Arduino using the connect button on the screen.The app works on Android smartphone and tablets with Bluetooth and Gingerbread (v 2.3) or above.

What about the shields?

The 1Sheeld offers a wide range of shields. They can be divided in 5 categories: basic I/O ( PushButton, LED, Mic, ToggleButton, Slider, SevenSegment, Keyboard, KeyPad, GamePad, Buzzer) , sensor shields (Color Detector, Proximity, Pressure, Orientation, Light, Magnetometer, Accelerometer, Temperature, Gyroscope, Gravity, GPS), special shields (NFC "Near Field Communication", Pattern, Notification, LCD, MusicPlayer, DataLogger, TextToSpeech, Terminal, Voice Recognition, Camera, Clock), communication shields (Internet, Phone, RemoteOneSheeld, SMS, Skype, Email) and social media shields (Twitter, Foursquare, Facebook). Now we’ll focus on some of them more in detail. 
So, there is a lot of stuff to have fun with!
For what concernes the code it is basic Arduino code (really, really basic) all the shields works with built-in function from the 1Sheeld library, altough those that can rely directly on the Arduino pins can be controlled also with the standard Arduino code, reading and writing HIGH/LOW values.

We experimented several possible uses of the 1Sheeld with the Galileo board, I'll tell about some of them later on. We found out that this is really useful for didactical purposes as it allows to learn and use a huge variety of sensors/actuator without worrying too much about the electronical part or without spending a lot of money buying them.

The board can be bought online on the official website for 54.99$, in Italy it is distributed by for 60.55€ and by ArduinoShop for about 56€. More information on the 1Sheeld can be found at its official website.

In the next days I'll explain more about the single shields, and how we used them in our projects. 
Let me know in the comments if this post has been helpful, and if you're going to experiment with the Galileo Board and/or with the 1Sheeld shield!

UPDATE: Here you can find a list of all the mini-examples that we built to show the 1Sheeld's main feature: What does the board say: experiments with Galileo and 1Sheeld
