Fruits of the TreeTagger

Hi all!
For my NLP class I'm working on an homework that requires to lemmatize words. In order to do this I decided to use the TreeTagger. Here I'm going to describe what I did to make it work (on Linux, Ubuntu in particular).

- Follow the instruction on the TreeTagger website. After the download I moved everything into the opt/TreeTagger folder. Note that is very important to not unzip anything before launching the installer script.

It is quite easy to make everything work.
Now we have to make the TreeTagger work with Java. We need the package tt4j.

- Go here, look for the most recent release and download the file
where x.y.z is the version of the release (I'm using 1.1.2).

- Open your editor and import the library you just downloaded, then simply using the small snippet of code on tt4j's website you can see how easily you can use the TreeTagger! Yay!

Note: I used the TreeTagger just for getting lemmas, but it also - as its name suggests - does the POS-tagging, don't forget it!  
